Orel Vine School


About Us

Who We Are

We are a Christian International school offering affordable Cambridge International Education at all levels. The school is and continues to be an academic hub in Uganda, with an excellent pass record at the examination gates.

Student-led projects continue to be at the heart of our teaching-learning processes. We are educating thinkers, innovators, and leaders of tomorrow. Our partnership with the community and parents in this regard has seen the birth of a multiple bankable student-initiatives that create solutions for the communities in which they live.

We maintain small class sizes to ensure that every child receives the attention they deserve. We recognize that each child has unique talents and learning styles. We nurture our children’s abilities bringing out the best in them, enabling them to develop confidence and healthy self-esteem. Take a look at what some of our students have to say about the school.

Effective 2020, Orel Vine School opened her doors to students on the Uganda national curriculum. This dual curriculum system runs independently, maintaining a Christian ethos and delivering value to the student population and the community.

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Delve into our vision, mission, and core values to understand the essence of who we are and what we stand for as an educational institution committed to excellence and integrity.


Provide a safe, caring and conducive learning environment.

Ensure a high degree of personal and professional integrity.

Demonstrate Christian values for effective living in a changing world

Encourage exploratory learning approaches.

Encourage excellence.

Develop a rich co-curricular program


To be the leading educational institution in Africa, empowering students to acquire, articulate and demonstrate knowledge and skills.

These skills will support them as job creators and life long learners who know Jesus Christ and live by the principles of His word.

Core Values

Our guiding principles include:

Building strong relationships with students and their families.

Partnering with parents for advancement.

Having a sense of community in the school.

Honesty and Integrity.

Active meaningful learning experiences.

Promoting entrepreneurship and innovation.


“Education is not just the filling of a pail, it is the lighting of a fire.”

Orel-Vine has been lighting a fire in the minds of students since 2010. Now, Orel-Vine is operating both a pre-school, primary and secondary school; shaping the future of our gems by the core values that defined our past: research and innovation, entrepreneurship, excellence, and the fear of God.

Meet the Team

Committed to nurturing students’ potential and fostering a love for learning, our diverse team of teachers and staff are here to support, inspire, and guide every step of the way.

Teacher Frank.
Teacher Frank.
Teacher Frank.
Teacher Frank.
Teacher Frank.
Teacher Frank.



Orel-Vine was established in 2010 to cater for a community in need of an affordable Christian International school. The school motto is taken from Proverbs 22: 6, “Start a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it.” We believe that having a strong foundation both academic and Christian is paramount to having a prosperous future. At Orel-Vine we aim at providing a safe, caring and conducive learning environment, ensuring a high degree of personal and professional integrity, demonstrating Christian values for effective living in a changing world, encouraging exploratory learning approaches and encouraging excellence. Explore our website to find out more.


The Cambridge curriculum in comparison to other curricula aims to encourage the skills of independent research and investigation, the use of initiative and creativity and the application of knowledge and skills. Students therefore go further than simply having to recall knowledge but also apply it. In addition, with the Cambridge curriculum, a wide range of assessment techniques is used. Emphasis is placed on the use of externally marked examination papers to assess the students’ learning and on compulsory practical work where appropriate.


The Cambridge Primary Programme helps teachers and parents gain a greater understanding of their children’s abilities, and their strengths and weaknesses. This is very important, as it helps teachers know which areas to focus on for each individual child. Part of the way teachers assess children’s abilities, is by using Primary Programme Progression Tests, which are marked by the teacher. These tests enable teachers to assess the children’s learning.


All children who complete the Primary Programme receive a Certificate of Achievement at the end of their primary education. The Cambridge International Primary Programme used at Orel-Vine is an excellent framework for learning in the primary years and provides a solid foundation for progression to secondary education, including Cambridge IGCSE and O Level.

The academic year runs from September (or late August) and ends in June. However, new learners are welcome to enrol all year round.

The environment at Orel-Vine is kept safe and condusive for the safety of every child. Cleanliness and hygiene are enforced strictly. However, in case a child gets injured playing or abruptly falls ill at school, our qualified full-time nurse is on hand to attend to these cases in the best way possible. Parents are informed of any serious injuries and are contacted if a doctor or hospital visit is advised. As part of school policy, children that are unwell should not be sent to school to avoid passing on infections to other children.

As part of the curriculum, students engage in a number of activities and lessons that enable them explore various capabilities and nurture their talents. French club, public speaking, finanacial literacy, reading, music, dance, drama, guitar club, piano, jazz drums, and all forms of sport are some of the co-curricular club activities available for our students.

The environment at Orel-Vine is kept safe and condusive for the safety of every child. Cleanliness and hygiene are enforced strictly. However, in case a child gets injured playing or abruptly falls ill at school, our qualified full-time nurse is on hand to attend to these cases in the best way possible. Parents are informed of any serious injuries and are contacted if a doctor or hospital visit is advised. As part of school policy, children that are unwell should not be sent to school to avoid passing on infections to other children.