How do you prove your love? By giving! Why did God give His one and only Son, Jesus Christ? Because He loved the world! As Orel Vine School, we can go to the moon and back just for our community, and we proved that over and over again during our community service week, and we will keep doing so for as long as we exist!

Have you taken a close look at your neighbours? Is there anything you can do to make their lives better? We are serving the community in different ways as Orel Vine School, no matter the age or the class of our beloved children. Our preschool children did wonders when they decided to visit St. Lilian Jubilee Home, a home for the differently abled children that have mostly been abandoned by their families. We took for them a van laden with goodies like dry rations, diapers, sanitary towels, with lots of hugs and prayers from our little children. How sweet!

As for the primary section, they honestly outdid themselves! It was almost a whole week of sharing love with the community. Did you know that they happily cleaned the community market? As if that was not enough, they gave the boda boda men reflector jackets for their safety on the road. Because of their generosity, the primary school children took lots of scholastics, clothes, shoes, and so much more to Anne Nursery and Primary school. How lovely is that! You should have seen the beautiful smiles on the children’s faces; it is worth repeating for the joy it gives. Like I told you, these Orel Vine Primary children are God sent! They still had more than enough to share with Good Mother Nursery and Primary School. They were overladen with foodstuff, scholastic materials, and some of the best clothes you have ever seen as they took the short trip to give what they had carefully prepared!

Indeed, this team was so determined that they crowned the community service week with a grand visit to the children’s ward in Kasangati Health Centre IV, with beautiful health packs for the children in the hospital, and more reflector jackets for the men at work, they stormed the place with love!

Would you like to hear about our majestic high school? You will not believe the length they went to care for the community! Throughout the term, they had a well laid and excellently executed programme to reach out to various community members including students of Nambula Secondary School, St. Paul High School, and met some of the locals through the LC 1 chairman of the area; teaching them about God and income generating schemes, plus offering them seeds. Our dear children are sick and tired of seeing their age-mates drop out of school due to poverty. Quite mature of them, right!
The high school team chose to go an extra mile to shower love upon the mothers to be in the community. They gave mama kits to twenty-seven mothers in Kyampisi Health Centre III Maternity ward. What a blessing!

How often do you think about the men in uniform that do their best to keep law and order? Well, our high school team did not hold back in putting a smile on over 32 policemen in the area. They distributed food packs to them and their families. Now, that is love! We are determined to break heaven’s bank accounts to shower God’s love on the people around us! Our children know that love is practical, and the best way to show it is by giving. Charity truly begins at home. This is our culture, and we will live up to it by God’s grace.

This would not have been possible without our children’s amazingly generous parents. A gigantic THANK YOU to them! We are grateful to the school administration and staff for guiding the students in the right direction. Above all, all glory goes back to God. In case you would like to be part of us in giving to God’s children, please feel free to make your donations through the school administration. We will be excited to partner with you. It is not a one off; we are running some continuous programmes in our community. Remember, you can’t really claim to love the invisible God if you cannot show love to your neighbour that you can see and touch!
Browse the complete community service gallery below